Directions & garden maps

Find us by searching "WCBG Visitor Center" on Google Maps, or "Wellesley College Science Center" on other map apps such as Bing or Apple Maps. (You may also search "Global Flora" or "Edible Ecosystem" for the location of those gardens, but we suggest ignoring the walking directions from google; they do not reflect our garden paths and may mislead you.)

Public transit directions

We are a short walking distance (~1 mile) from the Wellesley Square MBTA commuter rail station.

  • From the Wellesley Square station, walk through Wellesley Ville downtown shopping sidewalks along Central St.
  • Enter the College Gate at the four-way intersection of Central St. and Weston, and follow the wide asphalt path (Fiske path) bordering the Botanic Gardens along your right - you'll see some trees with labels on them and a sign for "Fiske Path entrance" down into the Arboretum
  • You can begin exploring the Arboretum here, or continue toward the Science Center at the end of Fiske Path, and begin either at the Kettle Entrance stairs into the Arboretum, or begin at the WCBG Visitor Center / greenhouse during open hours

Driving directions

There are two entrances into campus:

  • The Route 135 entrance is just east of 106 Central St, Wellesley, MA 02481
  • The Route 16 entrance is at 727 Washington St, Wellesley, MA 02481

From the West:
Take the Massachusetts Turnpike (I-90) to Exit 13 (Natick/Framingham/Route 30). Take Route 30 East 0.2 miles to the first set of lights. Turn right on Speen Street and drive 1.8 miles to the intersection with Route 135. Take a left onto Route 135 East and drive 3.6 miles to a traffic light, which will be at the main entrance of the College. Turn right at this light into Wellesley College. Take the first right, and then bear right to park in the parking garage.

Walk out of the garage and cross the street to the Lulu Chow Wang Campus Center. Turn left onto the sidewalk in front of the campus center. When you come to College Road, take a right and continue walking along the sidewalk until you see Paramecium Pond on the other side of the road. Cross the street at the crosswalk. You are now in the Wellesley College Botanic Gardens.

From the East:
Take the Massachusetts Turnpike to Exit 14 (Weston). Go south on Interstate 95 (Route 128) for 1/2 mile to Route 16, Exit 21B. Follow Route 16 West for 2.9 miles to a stoplight (5-way intersection) in the town of Wellesley. Bear left at this light (do not take a “hard” left) proceeding up the hill with the church on your right. Continue for about ¾ mile until the next stop light. Take a right at this light into the Rte. 16 entrance to Wellesley College – there is a “Wellesley College” sign.

Drive the full length of College Road until you see the Lulu Chow Wang Campus Center on your left. Just after the campus center, take a left-hand turn and then bear right to park in the parking garage.

Walk out of the garage and cross the street to the Lulu Chow Wang Campus Center. Turn left onto the sidewalk in front of the campus center. When you come to College Road, take a right and continue walking along the sidewalk until you see Paramecium Pond on the other side of the road. Cross the street at the crosswalk. You are now in the Wellesley College Botanic Gardens.

From Logan Airport:
Take the Ted Williams Tunnel from the airport to the Massachusetts Turnpike (I-90); follow directions from the east (above).

From the North or South:
Take I-95/Route 128 to Route 16 West, Exit 21. Follow Route 16 West for 2.9 miles, using directions from the east (above).

The WCBG Visitor Center is at the East entrance of the Science Center. The outdoor Botanic Gardens begins at Paramecium Pond by College Road on the west side, and extends to Fiske Path on the east, with the Visitor Center and Global Flora adjacent to the Science Center building.

Visitor parking

Parking is free of charge on campus. Click here for a visitor parking map and directions.

There is very limited parking on weekdays near the Visitor Center due to active construction. If you do not have mobility difficulties, we strongly encourage you to park at the Davis parking garage, to prioritize nearby parking spots for those with mobility needs. We also encourage planning ahead to drop off guests with mobility difficulties at the Visitor Center entrance, then parking at the Davis garage.

  • Free, all day visitor parking is available at the Davis parking garage on campus. This is the preferred all-day visitor parking area, and there are many spots available inside the garage. There is no time limit on these parking spots. If the parking gate is lowered at any time, use the buzzer at the gate to connect to Campus Safety; let them know you are visiting the Botanic Gardens, and they will let you in. Plan for a scenic ~10 min walk from the garage to WCBG Visitor Center, with beautiful views of the campus and outdoor botanic gardens along the way! Click above for map.
  • Limited, 2-hour visitor parking is available near the WCBG Visitor Center, especially for those with mobility needs. We will provide short-term parking passes to place on your dashboard for these spots, at the Visitor Center.
  • There are 3 total ADA/wheelchair accessible parking spots (2-hour limit) near the Visitor Center - 1 at the Visitor Center entrance, and 2 along the Science Center North road, with a connecting sidewalk.
  • There are 8 non-ADA parking spaces (2-hour limit) along the road next to the Visitor Center and the road leading to the Science Center North entrance.

For more information, review the College parking guidelines.

Walking directions from Davis parking garage to WCBG Visitor Center: From the Davis garage, walk along College Road, turn onto the paved path next to Paramecium Pond into the Botanic Gardens. (1) At bamboo arch on your right, enter the Edible Ecosystem. Continue up past the Science Center North entrance, toward the east side of the Science Center, and Visitor Center/greenhouses are ahead. (2) Or, continue on College Rd to Founders lot, cross path toward the Science Center (past Mozard Sculpture), continue up the road by Science loading dock (Global Flora is visible on the hill, to your left). Follow road to left, to the Visitor Center entrance.

Special event parking

We may reserve nearby parking spaces for classes, events, and tours. We will provide short-term event parking passes to place on your dashboard, available at the Visitor Center.

Additional parking

Town Parking is metered during business hours, and free on Sundays/holidays.

  • There are many 2-hour metered town parking spots/lots a short walk from the garden, along Central Street and Weston Rd.
  • Wellesley Square MBTA has a metered parking lot.

Due to limited parking, we recommend carpooling when possible, or using public transit (Wellesley Square MBTA station).
It is a 10-15 minute walk from the downtown MBTA lot or downtown parking spaces; enter at Fiske Path.

Please contact for campus requests and contact us at with questions. We are happy to assist with accommodations.

  • WCBG Visitor Center has two ADA/wheelchair-accessible all-gender restrooms, water fountains, and a baby changing station.
  • Global Flora greenhouse paths are all ADA/wheelchair accessible. There is a ramp alternative to the stairway in the back. We suggest avoiding thin heels due to metal grating in some paths.
  • Outdoor gardens include both ADA-accessible and inaccessible paths. Please be prepared for uneven terrain, a variety of path materials (grass, dirt, asphalt, metal grating), steps, and challenging conditions depending on weather, in some areas.
  • We recommend sturdy shoes when possible.

Accessible parking spots are available near WCBG Visitor Center. In "Parking", above.