For Note-takers

Note-Taker Application Process

To become a note taker, you will sign up through the AIM portal. If you have already registered on AIM for accommodations, you will not be able to complete the application and will instead need to contact ADR so a staff member can manually configure your profile to allow for you to apply. Once you have the application and have applied, follow the steps below to continue to process.

  1. Click on the Note-taker button and review the classes you can serve as a note-taker for. Select the class(es) you would like to apply for. Please note that it may up to 48 hours for AIM to import your classes after you complete the initial application.
  2. Review and sign the Note-taker Agreement.

    1. Once this is done, the class(es) will be listed as a pending assignment

    2. If you change your mind, please click “Cancel this class” to remove yourself from the list of potential applicants.

  3. After you follow these steps, your application will be reviewed. If you are selected to be a note-taker, you will receive an email with a link to the Note-taker Agreement and an assignment confirmation.

  4. To upload notes, select the class, week, and days the notes are for, then upload the appropriate file under the “Upload and View Notes” page in the Note-taker module.