Job Searching After 50

Destiny M. Barletta

This resource outlines considerations for job searching over 50, including tailored advice for your writing your resume, networking, and interviewing.

“I think art’s first goal is to remind us that we are human...”

Career Advancement

Destiny M. Barletta

Career Advancement can mean different things to different people. For some, advancement means reaching a leadership position within a company or a field. For others, advancement means performing at a high level in a given role. Sometimes, advancement means switching careers entirely to learn a whole new domain, or focusing on giving back to a field or a community.

“I previously had dreams to be an author, but found myself called by the combination of logic, mystery, and truth in science.”

Finance, Accounting, and Insurance

Casey Hurley
Casey Hurley

A career in Finance can mean many different things, depending on what type of work you’re interested in or what specific subsect you want to explore. Within Finance, you can work in the financial department of an organization (governmental, nonprofit or for-profit) or you can work at a company that provides financial services to individuals, groups, institutions and/or organizations.

Introduction to Law & Law School

Nicole D. Park

This resource will provide you with information as you consider whether law school is right for you, when to attend, how to apply, and more.

Computer Science and Technology

Alexis Trench
Alexis Trench

If you are interested in using your technical knowledge, creativity, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills in your career of choice, exploring opportunities in technology, and software engineering-related industries and sectors may be of interest to you. These industry areas are growing and innovating rapidly – opportunities that are unheard of today may be top options in a few years. Broadly speaking, employment in computer and information technology occupations is projected to grow 15 percent from 2021 to 2031.

Computer science at Wellesley encompasses the broad application and theory of ideas relating to hardware and software. As an outcome, those studying computer science should leave with a broad understanding of how computing and technology applications work so that they can build computer applications of the future. Since technology is present in any and all industries and disciplines, the application of technical knowledge can be found in numerous career opportunities.

"It’s great to come from a place like Wellesley that has a tradition of excellence, but it can be easy to forget that every alum has gone through the same thing you are going through right now."