“I previously had dreams to be an author, but found myself called by the combination of logic, mystery, and truth in science.”

Management and Human Resources

Casey Hurley
Casey Hurley

Management refers to the organization, oversight and coordination of people and activities in a business or organization so that it meets it objectives or vision. Management broadly encompasses creating corporate policy and strategy, and setting objectives, and then organizing, planning, controlling and guiding an organization’s people and resources in the achievement of these objectives or vision. Human Resources is the part of a business that relates to employees, including recruiting, orientation of employees, overseeing benefits, training, and more.

Lumpkin Summer Institute for Service Learning

Lorraine Hanley ’98

The Lumpkin Summer Institute for Service Learning offers students the opportunity to work in Boston-based non-profits geared toward social change and community engagement.

“From the beginning, my career mentor was there to brainstorm, encourage, and motivate me to pursue an internship that aligned with my interests.”