Up Skill Resources for Alumnae

Destiny M. Barletta

For many alumnae, lack of confidence or familiarity with technology is an impediment in the job search. Perhaps you worked in a job that didn’t require much use of technology, or perhaps you have been out of the workforce for a while and are not up to date. You may be confident in some areas and less so in others. Maybe you are curious and like new challenges. There are many resources out there to help you update and improve your technology related skills.  


Casey Hurley
Casey Hurley

The word consulting encompasses a wide range of industries and professional job opportunities. To put it simply, a consultant provides “external advice for organizations that require specialist experience or an objective outside perspective on their business.” There are many different types of consulting that can be explored, including management, strategy, economics, healthcare, human resources, and technology. Likewise, there are endless opportunities in all types of industries that use consultants: from education to healthcare to the public sector, consulting can provide many opportunities for you to explore different industries or even just a specific field.  

On-Campus Recruiting Program Policies (Students)

Kate Rettstadt
Kate Rettstadt

Career Education expects all students to abide by the following rules in order to maintain the success and integrity of Wellesley’s recruiting program.