Careers in Fundraising and Development

Hayley Meredith McIlvaine

A field that often goes unexplored by many students is a career in fundraising and development. These professionals secure the resources and foundations needed to fuel mission-driven nonprofits

Design and Illustration

Hebert Labbate

Design and illustration careers begin with a portfolio of client-based or self-inspired work that displays your talent, style, and creative thinking. While there are full-time positions in the field of design, there are fewer full-time opportunities for illustrators. For this reason, many illustrators work as designers and illustration is a part of their job.

“I have had a wonderful time working in my often hectic, diverse, and meaningful career where I have continued to learn and to connect with audiences. My liberal arts background from Wellesley was the education I needed for this.”

Intern, Bike MS at National Multiple Sclerosis Society.

National Multiple Sclerosis Society - Raleigh, NC Office