Introduction to Fellowships for Graduates

Kate Dailinger
Kate Dailinger

Fellowships and scholarships can fund graduate or professional study, purposeful travel, professional placements, self-designed projects, and so much more. They can help you build your experience and qualifications, help you explore a passion, and clarify a path forward. What would you do with a fellowship?

Fellowships and Scholarships for Graduate Study

Kate Dailinger
Kate Dailinger

There are more fellowships and scholarships than you might think there are to help fund graduate or professional study. It’s helpful to be creative and persistent in your search, and in your applications. This research will give you an overview of some of the fellowships out there, and tips for searching for opportunities.

    “Under the Andean sun, we excavate the site that shows evidence of occupation for nearly 3,000 years.”

    “I previously had dreams to be an author, but found myself called by the combination of logic, mystery, and truth in science.”

    Computer Science and Technology

    Alexis Trench
    Alexis Trench

    If you are interested in using your technical knowledge, creativity, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills in your career of choice, exploring opportunities in technology, and software engineering-related industries and sectors may be of interest to you. These industry areas are growing and innovating rapidly – opportunities that are unheard of today may be top options in a few years. Broadly speaking, employment in computer and information technology occupations is projected to grow 15 percent from 2021 to 2031.

    Computer science at Wellesley encompasses the broad application and theory of ideas relating to hardware and software. As an outcome, those studying computer science should leave with a broad understanding of how computing and technology applications work so that they can build computer applications of the future. Since technology is present in any and all industries and disciplines, the application of technical knowledge can be found in numerous career opportunities.

    Physical Sciences

    Alexis Trench
    Alexis Trench

    The physical sciences, as a branch of natural science, focuses primarily on the study of non-living systems. However, just as these areas of study are broad, the physical sciences intersect with a wide range of career opportunities, which can be found in the private sector, in education and academia, and in all levels of government.

    CV (curriculum vitae) Guidelines

    Wellesley Career Education logo
    Wellesley Career Education

    Your CV or curriculum vitae is similar to your resume. It clearly represents your current and past experiences and accomplishments so that your reader can understand the unique value that you bring to a job/internship/academic program. A few important differences to keep in mind about your CV are outlined in this document, along with helpful tips for format and content.

    A Brief Introduction to Fellowships and Scholarships

    Kate Dailinger
    Kate Dailinger

    Fellowships and scholarships offer funding to support a range of purposeful activities, including undergraduate research, language study/other study abroad, self-designed projects, teaching and service, graduate or professional study, or even internships and professional placements. They can open doors for you to things you might not be able to pursue otherwise.

    There are opportunities for students and graduates of every nationality and at every stage of their careers. What might be the right fit for you?

    “Listen to your heart and use your head. Math and science ignited my imagination for as far back as I can remember.”

    Science Research

    Alexis Trench
    Alexis Trench

    Participating in research experiences as an undergraduate is an excellent way to add depth to your science understanding and actively engage with what you are learning in the classroom. By doing so, you further develop your laboratory, analytical, and problem-solving skills, and you start to build your network with faculty members. Research experiences are valuable components to your resume, and they can make you more competitive for both graduate school and industry opportunities.


    Alexis Trench
    Alexis Trench

    The contemporary study of the physical universe encompasses systems ranging from the microscopic — atoms, nuclei, and elementary particles, to the very large — planets, stars, and galaxies, and the Wellesley Physics department introduces students to the study of all that falls along that spectrum. Since physics covers such a broad band, students of physics develop concrete and transferable skills that can be applied in a number of different settings — academia, industry, research, government, nonprofits, and more.


    Alexis Trench
    Alexis Trench

    Geoscience is the study of earth and all of its systems, and geoscientists investigate these interactions using transdisciplinary approaches to address questions related to how the Earth formed, how it evolved over geologic time, and how its continued evolution affects the environment in which we live. With geoscience being such a broad major of the study of the earth, there are many areas in which one could specialize and use to pursue career opportunities.


    Alexis Trench
    Alexis Trench

    Chemistry is the knowledge of the properties and behavior of atoms and molecules, and it is crucial to our understanding of medicine, biological systems, neuroscience, nanotechnology, environmental science and a myriad of other areas. Therefore, there are a wide range of career options for chemistry majors and minors!


    Alexis Trench
    Alexis Trench

    What is astronomy? In the most basic definition, astronomy is the study of the sun, moon, stars, planets, comets, gas, galaxies, gas, dust and other non-Earthly bodies and phenomena. As you think about careers in astronomy or astrophysics, the profession is a relatively small community compared to other science career fields.


    Alexis Trench
    Alexis Trench

    Engineering applies knowledge from science and math to real-world challenges in an effort of improve the world we live in. It is a broad discipline that encompassess teamwork, problem solving, design thinking, communication, organization, and project management.

    National Institutes of Standards & Technology Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (NIST SURF) (students)

    Kate Dailinger
    Kate Dailinger

    The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) offers Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships (SURF) at NIST laboratories in Gaithersburg, MD; Boulder, CO; and Waimanalo, Hawaii. The Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship is designed to inspire undergraduate students to pursue careers in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) through a unique research experience that supports the NIST mission.  Eligible are currently enrolled undergraduates who are US citizens or permanent residents, majoring in chemistry, computer science, physics, engineering, materials science, fire research, nanotechnology, information technology, mathematics, biology, manufacturing, statistics, or another STEM discipline.

    Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship (sophomores and juniors)

    Kate Dailinger
    Kate Dailinger

    Supports one or two years of undergraduate study in the fields of mathematics, engineering, and natural sciences. Eligible are college sophomores or juniors who are US citizens, permanent residents, and nationals intending to pursue research careers in STEM fields. Campus application deadline typically in late November/early December.