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Study Abroad Opportunities

Accademia di Belle Arti


E.C.Co. and Accademia di Belle Arti (Academy of Fine Arts)

The Studio Program recognizes E.C.Co. courses taken at the Accademia di Belle Arti for possible transfer credits into the major or minor. Students that are interested in taking a semester abroad in Italy should consider this and enroll in Italian as four semesters of Italian are required to attend the program.

Students studying on the E.C.Co. program in the spring have the opportunity to take one class at the renowned Accademia di Belle Arti (Academy of Fine Arts), which offers a wide range of courses typical of a European Art school. Some of those courses may be similar to those offered on the home campuses, while others would supplement the Studio Art curricula of the three consortium institutions.

The courses at the Accademia are organized in different tracks (such as Fine Arts, Applied Arts, and Arts Education) and are taught on three undergraduate and two advanced/graduate levels. E.C.Co. students would enter a field of study on the level appropriate to their preparation (as evidenced by their portfolios), including advanced courses.


small printing press in printmaking studio

Courses are offered in the following areas of study:




Graphic Design

Product Design

Fashion Design

Comics and Illustration

Photography, Cinema, and Television

Scenography/Stage Design

Before coming to Bologna, students should consult with their major advisors and/or department chairs regarding the desired areas of study, their level of preparation, and the home department’s expectations for the work done off campus. They should also prepare a digital portfolio to present to the potential Accademia professors. Once in Bologna, students will work closely with the E.C.Co. Resident Director and staff, as well as an advisor at the Accademia, to identify a range of appropriate courses. Students will then have two weeks to explore these courses before making their final selection.

Courses at the Accademia are taught differently from the studio courses in the United States: they generally enroll more students and are somewhat less structured. Depending on the area of study, students may or may not have access to a designated studio space. Students will work on independent projects within a course guided by the professor and will meet with the professor for weekly critiques. In order to receive major credit in Studio Art at their home institutions, E.C.Co. students will be expected to produce a substantive portfolio of new work to present upon their return.


Read more on the E.C.Co. program website.