“Wellesley gave me a solid foundation in international relations, so I wanted to explore more in-depth theoretical and historical elements, both for my own interest and for gaining specialist knowledge for my career.”

Self-Assessment (Preparing to Apply to Health Profession Schools)

Cindy Seltzer, Ed.D., MBA

Your first step in the application process is a thoughtful reflection on your readiness to apply. This resource contains the self-assessment planning document, questions to ask yourself as you consider applying, and information about competencies valued in the admissions process.

“I am so thrilled that I will be able to learn directly from women leaders in crucial environmental projects in a diverse array of Latin American countries that I otherwise could not have ever imagined visiting.”

Entrance Exams (Preparing to Apply to Health Profession Schools)

Cindy Seltzer, Ed.D., MBA

Preparing for and taking your MCAT, DAT or GRE will be an important part of your application process. Successful students can expect to spend 300-400 hours over a period of 3-4 months preparing. This resource will help you to understand how to approach the exams.

Financial Planning (Applying to Health Profession Schools)

Cindy Seltzer, Ed.D., MBA

Application and medical/dental education will be expensive. This resource will help you understand the associated costs and direct you to resources.

Graduate School Preparation Mini-Grants

Wellesley Career Education logo
Wellesley Career Education

The Graduate/Professional School Preparation Fund, funded by a generous grant from the Wellesley Students’ Aid Society, is intended to help current Wellesley students with expenses related to graduate or professional school preparation. 

Next Steps: managing acceptances, and what to do if you are not accepted to health profession schools

Cindy Seltzer, Ed.D., MBA

Health profession schools have varying timelines for notifying applicants about acceptances. Learn about managing applications, as well as what to do if you are not accepted.

Interviewing (Applying to Health Profession Schools)

Cindy Seltzer, Ed.D., MBA

The interview invitation has arrived! Time to celebrate and prepare.

Application Components & Process (Applying to Health Profession Schools)

Cindy Seltzer, Ed.D., MBA

This resource covers information you will need as you write and compile various elements of your application, including personal statements and transcripts.

The Medical Professions Advisory Committee (MPAC) & Letter Process

Cindy Seltzer, Ed.D., MBA

Whether you require an MPAC committee letter as part of your application or not, this resource will walk you through the process of requesting letters of recommendation.

Application Planning (Applying to Health Profession Schools)

Cindy Seltzer, Ed.D., MBA

Learn about components of application preparation including: the Wellesley College Applicant Portfolio, your personal statement, choosing your schools and dual degrees. 

“At Wellesley, I explored my passions, both in the sciences and humanities; I never had to choose.”

“Spending two months in Delhi and directly seeing the impact of this NGO’s work has made us grow as students and as individuals.”

“I’ve learned that at its core, medicine is all about creating an environment where relationships can be fostered and grown.”

Exploring Careers in the Health Professions

Cindy Seltzer, Ed.D., MBA

Working in a health profession can provide you with an interesting, satisfying, and stimulating career that will allow you to help others.

Resources for Students & Alumnae of Distinct Populations (Preparing to Apply to Health Profession Schools)

Cindy Seltzer, Ed.D., MBA

A crucial topic in healthcare today is how to eliminate inequities in the quality and availability of medical care for ethnic, racial, social, and economic minorities. There is an urgent need to increase both the diversity and cultural competence of our health care workforce. Learn about resources for underrepresented students and alumnae across distinct populations.