Interviewing (Applying to Health Profession Schools)

Cindy Seltzer, Ed.D., MBA

The interview invitation has arrived! Time to celebrate and prepare.

Application Components & Process (Applying to Health Profession Schools)

Cindy Seltzer, Ed.D., MBA

This resource covers information you will need as you write and compile various elements of your application, including personal statements and transcripts.

The Medical Professions Advisory Committee (MPAC) & Letter Process

Cindy Seltzer, Ed.D., MBA

Whether you require an MPAC committee letter as part of your application or not, this resource will walk you through the process of requesting letters of recommendation.

Application Planning (Applying to Health Profession Schools)

Cindy Seltzer, Ed.D., MBA

Learn about components of application preparation including: the Wellesley College Applicant Portfolio, your personal statement, choosing your schools and dual degrees. 

“At Wellesley, I explored my passions, both in the sciences and humanities; I never had to choose.”

“I’ve learned that at its core, medicine is all about creating an environment where relationships can be fostered and grown.”

Exploring Careers in the Health Professions

Cindy Seltzer, Ed.D., MBA

Working in a health profession can provide you with an interesting, satisfying, and stimulating career that will allow you to help others.

Resources for Students & Alumnae of Distinct Populations (Preparing to Apply to Health Profession Schools)

Cindy Seltzer, Ed.D., MBA

A crucial topic in healthcare today is how to eliminate inequities in the quality and availability of medical care for ethnic, racial, social, and economic minorities. There is an urgent need to increase both the diversity and cultural competence of our health care workforce. Learn about resources for underrepresented students and alumnae across distinct populations.

“My advice to those applying to med school would be don’t limit yourself. Whether that be regionally or selectivity or what by whatever guidelines you have set for yourself. I had no idea I would be in Iowa for med school a year ago (I got in off the waitlist in May) and here I am.”

Waiting to Apply to Health Profession Schools

Cindy Seltzer, Ed.D., MBA

Trying to balance academics, clinical experiences, community service, research, other extracurricular activities, hobbies, and relationships? Not feeling ready to prepare for your standardized test for admission to health professions schools or to tackle the application process? Not absolutely sure of your career path? Learn more about taking a gap year (or more) before applying to health profession schools.

“Living in an exciting new city, being surrounded by peers with the same passion, and having myriad new opportunities be introduced to you constantly has been beyond wonderful — but most importantly, I feel truly prepared after Wellesley for everything to come in the busy but rewarding next 4 years. ”

“The first few days I felt imposter syndrome beginning to creep back in. I was worried that maybe I wasn't cut out for WashU. Wellesley was academically challenging for me and I thought if I struggled in undergrad, what would happen in medical school? But I realized that overcoming those challenges is exactly what prepared me for medical school. And having the honor of receiving my white coat made all the hard work worth it.”

Academics (Preparing to Apply to Health Profession Schools)

Cindy Seltzer, Ed.D., MBA

This resource covers academic considerations as you prepare to apply for health professions schools, including:

“By living in vegan communities and exploring their foodscapes, I hope to understand the lived experiences of being vegan across cultures and find ways to adapt veganism to various cultural contexts and customs.”

Computer Science and Technology

Alexis Trench
Alexis Trench

If you are interested in using your technical knowledge, creativity, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills in your career of choice, exploring opportunities in technology, and software engineering-related industries and sectors may be of interest to you. These industry areas are growing and innovating rapidly – opportunities that are unheard of today may be top options in a few years. Broadly speaking, employment in computer and information technology occupations is projected to grow 15 percent from 2021 to 2031.

Computer science at Wellesley encompasses the broad application and theory of ideas relating to hardware and software. As an outcome, those studying computer science should leave with a broad understanding of how computing and technology applications work so that they can build computer applications of the future. Since technology is present in any and all industries and disciplines, the application of technical knowledge can be found in numerous career opportunities.

“I will be the first doctor in my family and the first to attend graduate school with the gift of the Sarah Perry Wood Medical Fellowship.”

A Brief Introduction to Fellowships and Scholarships

Kate Dailinger
Kate Dailinger

Fellowships and scholarships offer funding to support a range of purposeful activities, including undergraduate research, language study/other study abroad, self-designed projects, teaching and service, graduate or professional study, or even internships and professional placements. They can open doors for you to things you might not be able to pursue otherwise.

There are opportunities for students and graduates of every nationality and at every stage of their careers. What might be the right fit for you?

Technology Internships for First Years and Sophomores

Alexis Trench
Alexis Trench

While it is true that many internship opportunities are geared towards students in their junior year, an increasing number of companies are creating first-year and/or sophomore-focused internship programs. Please note that this is certainly not an exhaustive list, and there are a number of additional companies that may not have first-year/sophomore specific programs, but that are first-year/sophomore-friendly.


Alexis Trench
Alexis Trench

Mathematics is essentially the study of patterns, and the understanding and application of these patterns is essential for the foundation of all other sciences. While mathematics is often studied in its own right, it is also applied to all manner of real world problems found in business, government, laboratories, medicine, engineering, and more.