Media and Visual Presentation Skills

media and virtual presentation skills

Controling the Message.

How do you handle interactions with the media? How do you clearly get your message across? How do you get past stage fright to present confidently? How do you think on your feet when faced with tough questions? How do you effectively create and organize your presentation?

We live in a highly visual and media-driven world. How we present our message and respond is critical, especially when it comes to speaking to the media. Whether you stand in front of a microphone or present virtually, it’s important to get the message right and maintain both composure and control. The key is being prepared to handle not just your initial presentation, but anything that might come your way. Media and Virtual Presentation Skills is designed to put you in charge of your message and delivery, helping you to think on your feet and improve your overall stage presence. All Wellesley Executive Education programs end with our signature action planning activity, designed to energize you for action and impact so you can begin improving your outcomes immediately.

Who can best benefit:

Women at any level who would like to hone their communication skills for effective press events, interviews, and virtual presentations.

What We’ll Explore: 

  • How do you get the message right?
  • What techniques will help you speak under pressure and nimbly respond to unanticipated obstacles or challenges?
  • How do you gain credibility as someone who is an effective spokesperson and speaker?
  • How do you effectively incorporate inner focus and mindfulness into overall stage presence?


Diego Arciniegas
Diego Arciniegas
Senior Lecturer in Theatre Studies

Program Details

1-day program on the Wellesley Campus

Session Dates: (Choose One)
Dates TBD

Your Investment:
Commuter: $3,300
(Includes tuition, materials, and most meals; travel not included)*

* Note: Many employers may help with all or a portion of the costs. Get a copy of our employer assistance letter.

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