Nature of Well Being

winter snow storm with fall leaves

Take a Mindful Gratitude Winter Walk


There is no right or wrong way to take this walk. Do what feels right for you. If you can, silence your phone and put it away or leave it at home.

Find a place where you feel comfortable and safe. You do not have to be in a wilderness area or a park, you can just take a walk around your neighborhood or in your yard. If you are unable to walk outside, you can walk within your house, or sit by your window and notice what you see outside.

Take your time, there is no rush.

As you start walking slowly, notice your breathing, let out a few deep breaths.

Notice what stands out to you, without judgement. Possibly you feel the sun or wind on your face, see the light coming through the leaves of a tree, or taste the snow as it falls. Try closing your eyes and listening

Notice what stands out to you, without judgement. Possibly you feel the sun or wind on your face, see the light coming through the leaves of a tree, or taste the snow as it falls. Try closing your eyes and listening closely for new sounds you haven’t noticed before.

Think of something you are grateful for at that moment. Start with your own body, move to your natural surroundings, and then the external aspects of your life.

When you return, write down your thoughts on what you are grateful for in your life.

Nature Mindfulness Practices