Tiffany Pyen

Wellesley-in-Aix was an incredible learning opportunity and a great privilege that I will always hold dear to my heart. During my time abroad, I gained a level of confidence and reached a proficiency in French that I could not have attained in America.  Befriending French natives and international friends in French, I was exposed to new, interesting cultural values. During my free time, I took Provencal cooking classes, djembe drum lessons, and volunteered in Marseille. I wrote an 8-page paper and gave an oral presentation in Anthropology at the l'Universite de Provence. I explored the ancient streets of Aix, and often frequented outdoor markets. Today, I still try to walk as much as possible and to eat healthy local produce, the French way.

Professionally, Wellesley-in-Aix has helped me pursue teaching jobs both in France and in America. After studying abroad, I longed to return to France. Upon graduating in 2011, I was able to work for the French Ministry of National Education as an English teacher in Strasbourg. I landed my first full-time teaching job in America as a high school French teacher in North Carolina. Today, French still helps me connect to people wherever I go, whether it is a car salesman from Senegal or a refugee from Congo. Knowing French is a major advantage as I consider jobs abroad in international development.  I am grateful for the excellent faculty I met at Wellesley and for the wonderful, memorable programming that we had in Aix.