Grade Changes

Grades are posted to students at the end of each semester by the registrar, soon after the deadline for their submission by the faculty.  Once posted, grades are final except for grades of “I” (incomplete), “XI” (excused incomplete), “TBG” (to be graded later) and “NG” (no grade due to pending honor code charge).  A grade of “INC” (permanent incomplete) is a final grade.  Grades are fully described here.  

Requests for changes to final grades may be considered by the Academic Review Board only.   Requests for grade changes must be made by the instructor, not the student. Requests are most often granted in the case of a calculation or recording error.  In other cases, the faculty member should explain the reason for changing the grade and should make clear how this requested change would be equitable to other students in the class.  The Academic Review Board will not consider changing a grade without the support of the instructor, nor will the Board necessarily agree to make a requested change but will consider whether the request seems compelling and equitable.

Any student who has a question about a final course grade should first contact the instructor of the course for clarification.   If the instructor believes a grade change is warranted, the instructor may request a change in grade, as described above, by contacting the registrar’s office.