Tracy Tien

Tracy Tien
42°17'30.0"N, 71°18'21.9"W

Tracy Tien

GIS and Data Instructional Technologist
Cheers to navigating to your compass on all things spatial at Wellesley! I aspire to be a proponent of geospatial literacy in the community, providing curricular and technical support for GIS (Geographic Information Systems) and complementary practices such as GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems) and remote sensing. On an above statistical average day, I might wrangle some non-spatial data. I have an affinity for cartography, data visualization, and charismatic megafauna. 
I hail from Taiwan (the elusive island of boba teas and delicate international relations), which fostered my fascination with contested territories and critical cartography. Formerly ½ of the Smith College Spatial Analysis Lab. 
Should inquiring minds want to know: I hold a B.A. in International Studies from the University of Richmond, and pursuing a Master’s in Geography from UMass Amherst. I am a certified GIS Professional (GISP) and FAA Part 107 drone pilot.

Check out the GIS calendar for events and help hours. Best signal for help through email or Columba livia domestica.