Aramie Sohn ('16)

Aramie Sohn ('16)

1. Please tell us a little about yourself!

I was born in New Jersey and moved to Seoul, South Korea at age 12. I graduated from Wellesley in 2016 with a double major in Chinese Language and Literature and Psychology. I currently live in New York City. 

2. Why did you decide to become a Chinese Language and Culture major? How did it shape your experience at Wellesley?

I started taking Chinese because of the school language requirement, but soon grew to love the language. After my first year, I studied Chinese in Shanghai during the summer, and then went back to Shanghai after my sophomore year as well to do an internship. As a result of my 2 summers spent in Shanghai, I decided to double major in the language because I wanted to end up in China again in the future. Being part of the Chinese Language and Literature program shaped my experience at Wellesley because the small department created a very nurturing department. I felt a lot closer with the professors and always felt comfortable seeking advice and help, inside and outside of the classroom. 

3. What are you doing now?

I work at KPMG, a consulting firm, in Data & Analytics Business Operations.

4. How has your Wellesley experience and your major influenced your life/career after college?

Although my work is not directly related to either of my majors at Wellesley, I think being a Chinese major still gives me the hope of moving back to Asia one day. The amazing mentors and professors I had at Wellesley have taught me so much and I still apply skills that I learned at Wellesley every day at work. I am still also close to my friends that I made at Wellesley, including one of my best friends who was also a Chinese minor. Overall, although I don't use my major now, I still am trying to constantly learn and improve in Chinese so that it can benefit my career and personal growth in the long run. Every year, maintaining Chinese is one of my New Year's resolutions and it's something I don't ever want to lose. I learned so much from the professors at Wellesley, and it's a part of me that I want to keep forever.